Meet Grace
Grace, a self-taught artist and illustrator, re discovered her creative talents under the most challenging circumstances. When her husband was critically injured in a car accident and later diagnosed with cancer, Grace turned to art as a source of comfort. It was during this difficult time that she found joy in creating, revealing her inherent resilience and an uncanny ability to find beauty in adversity. Her muses are her two Dalmatians, Audrey and Daphne, who not only provide companionship but also inspire her artwork.
Grace is often described as an old soul with a deep fascination for the remarkable people and defining moments in history that continue to shape our lives today. Her interests are particularly focused on the technological advancements of the second Industrial Revolution, the architectural beauty of the Art Deco movement, and the evolving women's fashion of the 1920s and 1930s. Above all, she loves to uncover the stories of unsung heroes from the past.
One of Grace's fashion idols is Madeleine Vionnet, who is best known for her innovative use of the Bias-Cut technique. Vionnet's quote, "Designers make dresses; artists make dreams," resonates deeply with Grace.
Grace, like many others, has been fortunate to travel and experience the cultures of various places around the globe. In fact, she and her husband even got married in Banff, Canada. Her illustrations often incorporate elements from her most cherished destinations that she has visited in the past.
Originally from rural southeast Queensland, Grace now resides in Noosa with her husband, who is currently in complete remission from cancer. You can often find Grace bustling about town with her coffee in hand, enjoying the sunshine alongside her loyal companions, Audrey and Daphne. In her studio, she immerses herself in her creative process, often listening to her favorite historical podcast, "Ladies Who London," or relaxing to the timeless melodies of Billie Holiday.
Inclusivity is of utmost importance to Grace, and she warmly welcomes people from all walks of life into her illustrated world.

From the moment Grace first saw Audrey, she instantly fell in love with her. Audrey, exuding confidence and curiosity, clearly stood out among her litter. Her unique speckled pattern was starting to emerge, and her adventurous nature was evident. Audrey was a beautiful, intelligent, and lively puppy, and she has maintained these characteristics into her third year. She possessed a strong sense of self and a powerful drive to please others, reveling in the praise she received for her accomplishments.
Grace and Jade (Grace's Husband) chose to enrol young Audrey in The National Canine Academy and the Canine Classroom as a puppy. At the academy, Audrey participated in numerous training sessions led by students aiming to become certified dog trainers. In addition to this, Audrey attended daycare for socialisation. Grace also dedicated many of her Saturdays to Audrey's regular training during her early development.
Like many dogs who have a lot of energy, Audrey loves to run and swim at full speed. She finds a walk a little bit underwhelming and would prefer to show off her incredible ball catching skills any day.
Affectionately known as 'Pony', Audrey is an intelligent and charismatic dog who knows what's going on at all times. She can quickly observe her environment and the people in it and adjust herself accordingly. For example she can be high energy and play or be calm and gentle if the mood requires. Her training and eduction has definitely influenced her at being a well adapted and task oriented dog.

Daphne, warmly known as 'little one,' was fortunate to be born into a loving family with small children. Each puppy received constant cuddles and got used to being integrated into family life. When Grace and Jade (Grace's Husband) met Daphne, they couldn't ignore the striking resemblance to Audrey. After a casual conversation with the breeders, they discovered that Audrey and Daphne's sire were from the same litter. Imagine their surprise when they were looking for another Dalmatian to join their family, only to find Audrey's niece! It seemed as if the universe had destined Daphne to be part of their loving family.
Daphne is currently 18mths old and has grown into a very gentle, cuddly, and quietly confident young lady. She is the perfect companion for Audrey as her soft and gentle nature balances out Audreys robust personality. If Daphne had a designated job she would definitely be a wonderful assistant dog for any aged person.